Window Tint for Portland Government Buildings

We are one of the most prolific contractors for window tinting on government buildings in the Portland area, and we service all state and federal localities. We provide the appropriate films and know-how for any type of window film application, including UV protection, increased security, energy efficiency, or more. After over a decade of working on private and government projects of all sizes, we are confident we can help any civic building with its window film needs. We offer a variety of window films and tints for various solutions specific to high-clearance government locations and have a streamlined process for working with these types of spaces.

Security Films to Keep Local and National Government Officials Safe

In recent years, government spaces have been frequent targets of violence in the United States. Even safer cities like ours could be vulnerable to attack. This is why at-risk spots like these need to take precautions against bomb or gun attacks. Security window film is a powerful way to do this. After a bullet or bomb assault, our high-tech security window films combined with C-bond adhesives will not readily give way. The glass will shatter into tiny pieces but be held to the film by C-bond adhesive. This protects government employees who work inside from dangerous flying glass shards. It also allows them to flee or hide before they are harmed.

Glare and Heat Reducing Films For More Comfort

People in civic offices perform important work that has a significant influence on everyone in Portland. They are essential for making society run smoothly, from lawmakers drafting legislation to processing government papers. It’s critical to maintain these settings and provide a work environment free of glare for workers. Glare reducing window film is perfect for this. With these films, applied employees work faster and more successfully. They will be able to see their computer displays better, allowing them to concentrate on their tasks in comfort. Increased employee comfort has been connected to both lower tardiness and absenteeism, according to studies.

UV Blocking Window to Protect Government Workers and Property

Employees in government buildings are subjected to significant amounts of UV radiation when sunlight streams unfiltered through windows. Sunburns, headaches, and even potentially fatal skin and eye diseases can result from this excessive sunshine. It also causes floors and furnishing to fade, costing taxpayers money. Using UV-blocking window film is a way to safeguard staff and property within government facilities. It blocks 99.9% of UV rays at the window. This means employees are protected against the adverse effects of UV exposure, and furnishings need to be replaced less frequently.

Get a Window Film Quote for Your Government Building

Contact us for more information on window tints for your Portland building. We are the area’s expert on window films, and we offer a wide selection of goods from some of the top manufacturers. We’re always delighted to conduct a no-obligation onsite consultation for spaces all around Portland. While we’re there, we’ll provide you with clear pricing and information regarding any films that you believe may work for your government building. Contact us now to book a free consultation for your Portland city or state headquarters!